O level physics 5054/22

Resource material
Physics Formula sheet by Sir Hakeem
Flash cards
Folder for physics (Notes, past papers and ECR and some topical questions)
Leaner guide

For this exam, your concepts should be clear, especially for light, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction. Again practice recent years past papers, especially 17-18.. You can also attempt from topical to strengthen your weak subs

Paper 2 Tips - Structured Questions
Read all the three questions in section B before you make your choice of which two questions
to answer. Some students find it better
- to read through the whole paper before they start writing any answers at all
- to start answering section B with the question they think they can answer best.
Whatever you do, you must plan your answers to section B briefly, perhaps writing brief notes
– but be sure to include all the material you want to be marked in the correct place on your
• Read all the parts of a question before you start. It is often tempting to write too much in the
first part and then realise you have answered the second and third parts as well but in the
wrong place.
• Only answer the question asked. Don’t be tempted to give more detail than is required. This
wastes time and gains you no extra marks!
• If you are asked for two points (e.g. name two materials that are magnetic ....) then don’t give
three. If you give three and one is incorrect, you will only get one mark out of two.
• Your answer should fit the space available. If it doesn’t, you are writing too much! The
number of lines given is a clue as to how much to write. Practise the size of your writing: if it
is too big, it will not fit in the space; if it is too small, then the examiner will not be able to read
• Failure to give enough detail is a common cause of lost marks; for example If the question
asks you to describe the movement of electrons, then you must mention electrons; if the
direction of the current in a solenoid is reversed, then just saying that the magnetic field
changes is not enough - you need to say that the field reverses or changes direction . If you
describe the motion of molecules in a liquid then linking the temperature to the average
kinetic energy of the molecules is important. Molecules of a gas exert a pressure on the walls
of a container by colliding with the walls. Collisions between the molecules themselves do not
explain the pressure on the walls. To increase the pressure, molecules can hit the walls
harder or more often, i.e. at a greater speed or more frequently. Take care to explain this
clearly and without contradiction!
• Make sure you know where to put ammeters and voltmeters in a circuit. Ammeters are in
series and voltmeters in parallel with other components. If you need to vary the current, make
sure you include a variable resistor or use a variable power supply.
• If the question asks you to”state and explain” you need state the answer then give a clear
explanation. The amount of detail depends upon the number of marks.
• Make sure that you link your answer to the question, rather than just quoting learnt facts. For
example, just stating that paper stops alpha is not enough if the question asks why a
radioactive tracer emitting alpha particles is not used inside the body.
• If you are asked to draw forces on a diagram, draw them through the point where they act.
Do not draw them floating in mid-air to the side of a diagram! Remember to label them. Add
an arrow to show the direction, e.g. if the question asks for “the force exerted by the Sun on
the Earth”, then since it is a force of attraction, the force arrow must go from the Earth
towards the Sun. 
-The first questions are easy marks, try avoiding silly mistakes in them. You attempt them and you will gain a sense of confidence throughout the rest of the paper
- Before solving past papers, your concepts of difficult topics like Vectors, transformations, and sets and venn diagrams should be clear
-Recheck each question after attempting it. The simultaneous equations questions can be checked easily
-For net plans questions, the dimensions of the figure you have drawn should be the same as the one given
-For rotational symmetry questions, try rotating the figure to get a better understanding of the diagram and make it properly
-Practice 5 years papers in the and time yourself to complete it in 2hrs
-Try getting 65/70+ in your practice papers to give a sense of confidence
-All working should be shown and answers clearly written in the appropriate answer space.
Formulae sheet

-The paper pattern will only be different, the syllabus is same so practicing the old past papers will be beneficial
-Case studies practice is highly important. You need to read the information given in the source before attempting the question
- in 6 marks questions , A detailed and balanced response should be given with a conclusion
-Revise from the book or notes
Specimen paper EM according to this year


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