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O level Physics

Ppl are asking about star formation so here is it: 1. After the big bang there was "dust" everywhere with hydrogen. 2. These dust clouds are called nebula. 3. V know that more mass creates more "deep" curvature in space time known as gravity. 4. So the concentrated dust and hydrogen particles had more gravity than others. 5. Thus they attract the dust and hydogen particles. 6. A lot of hydrogen particles came together creating immense gravity. 7. The gravity forced the hydogen atoms to fuse together and form a heavier element known as helium. 8. This fusion caused a lot of energy being produced in the form of light and heat. 9. This tremedous energy also produced presure which makes the star to go "outwards". 10. On the other hand, the gravity makes the star to go "inwards". 11. Thus a stable shape and structure of a star is created which is kind of round. 12. The star continue its life. PHASES OF ITS LIFE: 13. Eventually the fuel i

O level physics 5054/22

5054/22 Resource material Physics Formula sheet by Sir Hakeem Flash cards Folder for physics (Notes, past papers and ECR and some topical questions) Leaner guide For this exam, your concepts should be clear, especially for light, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction. Again practice recent years past papers, especially 17-18.. You can also attempt from topical to strengthen your weak subs Paper 2 Tips - Structured Questions Read all the three questions in section B before you make your choice of which two questions to answer. Some students find it better - to read through the whole paper before they start writing any answers at all - to start answering section B with the que

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